deal.II version GIT relicensing-2017-g7ae82fad8b 2024-10-22 19:20:00+00:00
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
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VectorizedArray< Number, width > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/base/vectorization.h>

Inheritance diagram for VectorizedArray< Number, width >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

using value_type = Number

Public Member Functions

 VectorizedArray ()=default
 VectorizedArray (const Number scalar)
template<typename U >
 VectorizedArray (const std::initializer_list< U > &list)
VectorizedArrayoperator= (const Number scalar) &
VectorizedArrayoperator= (const Number scalar) &&=delete
Number & operator[] (const unsigned int comp)
const Number & operator[] (const unsigned int comp) const
VectorizedArrayoperator+= (const VectorizedArray &vec)
VectorizedArrayoperator-= (const VectorizedArray &vec)
VectorizedArrayoperator*= (const VectorizedArray &vec)
VectorizedArrayoperator/= (const VectorizedArray &vec)
template<typename OtherNumber >
void load (const OtherNumber *ptr)
template<typename OtherNumber >
void store (OtherNumber *ptr) const
void streaming_store (Number *ptr) const
void gather (const Number *base_ptr, const unsigned int *offsets)
void scatter (const unsigned int *offsets, Number *base_ptr) const
Number sum () const
constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< VectorizedArray< Number, width > > begin ()
constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< const VectorizedArray< Number, width > > begin () const
constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< VectorizedArray< Number, width > > end ()
constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< const VectorizedArray< Number, width > > end () const
auto dot_product (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v) const

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr std::size_t size ()

Public Attributes

Number data

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr bool is_implemented = (width == 1)

Private Member Functions

VectorizedArray get_sqrt () const
VectorizedArray get_abs () const
VectorizedArray get_max (const VectorizedArray &other) const
VectorizedArray get_min (const VectorizedArray &other) const


template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::sqrt (const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &)
template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::abs (const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &)
template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::max (const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &, const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &)
template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::min (const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &, const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &)

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > sin (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > cos (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > tan (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > acos (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > asin (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > atan (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > cosh (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > sinh (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > tanh (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > acosh (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > asinh (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > atanh (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > exp (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > log (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > sqrt (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > pow (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x, const Number p)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > pow (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x, const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &p)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > abs (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > max (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x, const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &y)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > min (const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &x, const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &y)
Packing and unpacking of a VectorizedArray
template<typename Number , std::size_t width = internal::VectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier<Number>::max_width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > make_vectorized_array (const Number &u)
template<typename VectorizedArrayType >
VectorizedArrayType make_vectorized_array (const typename VectorizedArrayType::value_type &u)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
void vectorized_load_and_transpose (const unsigned int n_entries, const Number *in, const unsigned int *offsets, VectorizedArray< Number, width > *out)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
void vectorized_transpose_and_store (const bool add_into, const unsigned int n_entries, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > *in, const unsigned int *offsets, Number *out)
Arithmetic operations with VectorizedArray
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
bool operator== (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &lhs, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &rhs)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator* (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator/ (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ (const Number &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator+ (const double u, const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v, const Number &u)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator+ (const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v, const double u)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- (const Number &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator- (const double u, const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v, const Number &u)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator- (const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v, const double u)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator* (const Number &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator* (const double u, const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator* (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v, const Number &u)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator* (const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v, const double u)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator/ (const Number &u, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator/ (const double u, const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator/ (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &v, const Number &u)
template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator/ (const VectorizedArray< float, width > &v, const double u)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &u)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- (const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &u)
template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &p)

Detailed Description

template<typename Number, std::size_t width>
class VectorizedArray< Number, width >

This generic class defines a unified interface to a vectorized data type. For general template arguments, this class simply corresponds to the template argument. For example, VectorizedArray<long double> is nothing else but a wrapper around long double with exactly one data field of type long double and overloaded arithmetic operations. This means that VectorizedArray<ComplicatedType> has a similar layout as ComplicatedType, provided that ComplicatedType defines basic arithmetic operations. For floats and doubles, an array of numbers are packed together with the goal to be processed in a single-instruction/multiple-data (SIMD) fashion. In the SIMD context, the elements of such a short vector are often called "lanes". The number of elements packed together, i.e., the number of lanes, depends on the computer system and compiler flags that are used for compilation of deal.II. The fundamental idea of these packed data types is to use one single CPU instruction to perform arithmetic operations on the whole array using the processor's vector (SIMD) units. Most computer systems by 2010 standards will use an array of two doubles or four floats, respectively (this corresponds to the SSE/SSE2 data sets) when compiling deal.II on 64-bit operating systems. On later processors (such as Intel Sandy Bridge and newer, or AMD Bulldozer processors and newer), four doubles or eight floats are used when deal.II is configured using gcc with --with-cpu=native or --with-cpu=corei7-avx. On compilations with AVX-512 support (e.g., Intel Skylake Server from 2017), eight doubles or sixteen floats are used.

The behavior of this class is made similar to the basic data types double and float. The definition of a vectorized array does not initialize the data field but rather leaves it undefined, as is the case for double and float. However, when calling something like VectorizedArray<double> a = VectorizedArray<double>() or VectorizedArray<double> a = 0., it sets all numbers in this field to zero. This class is of standard layout type according to the C++11 standard, which means that there is an equivalent C representation and the class can e.g. be safely copied with std::memcpy. (See also The standard layout is also necessary for ensuring correct alignment of data with address boundaries when collected in a vector (i.e., when the first element in a vector is properly aligned, all subsequent elements will be correctly aligned, too).

Note that for proper functioning of this class, certain data alignment rules must be respected. This is because the computer expects the starting address of a VectorizedArray<double> field at specific addresses in memory (usually, the address of the vectorized array should be a multiple of the length of the array in bytes). Otherwise, a segmentation fault or a severe loss of performance might occur. When creating a single data field on the stack like VectorizedArray<double> a = 5.;, the compiler will take care of data alignment automatically. However, when allocating a long vector of VectorizedArray<double> data, one needs to respect these rules. Use the class AlignedVector or data containers based on AlignedVector (such as Table) for this purpose. It is a class very similar to std::vector otherwise but always makes sure that data is correctly aligned.

The user can explicitly control the width of a particular instruction set architecture (ISA) extension by specifying the number of lanes via the second template parameter of this wrapper class. For example on Intel Skylake Server, you have the following options for the data type double:

and for Intel Sandy Bridge, Haswell, Broadwell, AMD Bulldozer and Zen/Ryzen:

and for processors with AltiVec support:

For older x86 processors or in case no processor-specific compilation flags were added (i.e., without -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-march=native or similar flags):

Similar considerations also apply to the data type float.

Wrongly selecting the width, e.g., width=3 or width=8 on a processor which does not support AVX-512 leads to a failing static_assert, i.e., you cannot compile code using a VectorizedArray class with a number of lanes that is not supported by the platform you are on. In particular, all platforms we are aware of only ever support widths that are powers of two.

Template Parameters
NumberThe underlying scalar data type.
widthVector length. (Optional; if not set, the maximal width of the architecture is used.)

Definition at line 443 of file vectorization.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ value_type

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
using VectorizedArray< Number, width >::value_type = Number

The scalar type of the array elements.

Definition at line 450 of file vectorization.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VectorizedArray() [1/3]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width >::VectorizedArray ( )

Default empty constructor, leaving the data in an uninitialized state similar to float/double.

◆ VectorizedArray() [2/3]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width >::VectorizedArray ( const Number  scalar)

Construct an array with the given scalar broadcast to all lanes.

Definition at line 471 of file vectorization.h.

◆ VectorizedArray() [3/3]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
template<typename U >
VectorizedArray< Number, width >::VectorizedArray ( const std::initializer_list< U > &  list)

Construct an array with the given initializer list.

Definition at line 483 of file vectorization.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator= ( const Number  scalar) &

This function assigns a scalar to the current object.

Definition at line 495 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator= ( const Number  scalar) &&

Assign a scalar to the current object. This overload is used for rvalue references; because it does not make sense to assign something to a temporary, the function is deleted.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
Number & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator[] ( const unsigned int  comp)

Access operator (only valid with component 0 in the base class without specialization).

Definition at line 515 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
const Number & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator[] ( const unsigned int  comp) const

Constant access operator (only valid with component 0 in the base class without specialization).

Definition at line 528 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator+=()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator+= ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  vec)

Element-wise addition of two arrays of numbers.

Definition at line 540 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator-=()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator-= ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  vec)

Element-wise subtraction of two arrays of numbers.

Definition at line 551 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator*=()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator*= ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  vec)

Element-wise multiplication of two arrays of numbers.

Definition at line 562 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator/=()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray & VectorizedArray< Number, width >::operator/= ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  vec)

Element-wise division of two arrays of numbers.

Definition at line 573 of file vectorization.h.

◆ load()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
template<typename OtherNumber >
void VectorizedArray< Number, width >::load ( const OtherNumber *  ptr)

Load size() data items from memory into the calling class, starting at the given address. The pointer ptr needs not be aligned by the amount of bytes in the vectorized array, as opposed to casting a double address to VectorizedArray<double>*.

Definition at line 587 of file vectorization.h.

◆ store()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
template<typename OtherNumber >
void VectorizedArray< Number, width >::store ( OtherNumber *  ptr) const

Write the content of the calling class into memory in form of size() data items to the given address. The pointer ptr needs not be aligned by the amount of bytes in the vectorized array, as opposed to casting a double address to VectorizedArray<double>*.

Definition at line 600 of file vectorization.h.

◆ streaming_store()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
void VectorizedArray< Number, width >::streaming_store ( Number *  ptr) const

Write the content of the calling class into memory in form of size() data items to the given address using non-temporal stores that bypass the processor's caches, using _mm_stream_pd store intrinsics on supported CPUs. The destination of the store ptr must be aligned by the amount of bytes in the vectorized array.

This store operation can be faster than usual store operations in case the store is streaming because it avoids the read-for-ownership transfer typically invoked in standard stores. This approximately works as follows (see the literature on computer architecture for details): When an algorithm stores some results to a memory address, a processor typically wants to move it into some of its caches as it expects the data to be re-used again at some point. Since caches are organized in lines of sizes either 64 byte or 128 byte but writes are usually smaller, a processor must first load in the destination cache line upon a write because only part of the cache line is overwritten initially. If a series of stores write data in a chunk bigger than any of its caches could handle, the data finally has to be moved out from the caches to main memory. But since all addressed have first been read, this doubles the load on main memory, which can incur a performance penalty. Furthermore, the organization of caches in a multicore context also requires reading an address before something can be written to cache to that address, see e.g. the Wikipedia article on the MESI protocol for details. The instruction underlying this function call signals to the processor that these two prerequisites on a store are relaxed: Firstly, one expects the whole cache line to be overwritten (meaning that the memory subsystem makes sure that consecutive stores that together span a cache line are merged, and appropriately handling the case where only part of a cache line is written), so there is no need to first read the "remainder" of the cache line. Secondly, the data behind that particular memory will not be subject to cache coherency protocol as it will be in main memory both when the same processor wants to access it again as well as any other processors in a multicore chip. Due to this particular setup, any subsequent access to the data written by this function will need to query main memory, which is slower than an access from a cache both latency-wise and throughput-wise. Thus, this command should only be used for storing large arrays that will collectively not fit into caches, as performance will be degraded otherwise. For a typical use case, see also this blog article.

Note that streaming stores are only available in the specialized SSE/AVX classes of VectorizedArray of type double or float, not in the generic base class.

Definition at line 653 of file vectorization.h.

◆ gather()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
void VectorizedArray< Number, width >::gather ( const Number *  base_ptr,
const unsigned int offsets 

Load size() data items from memory into the calling class, starting at the given address and with given offsets, each entry from the offset providing one element of the vectorized array.

This operation corresponds to the following code (but uses a more efficient implementation in case the hardware allows for that):

for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
this->operator[](v) = base_ptr[offsets[v]];

Definition at line 672 of file vectorization.h.

◆ scatter()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
void VectorizedArray< Number, width >::scatter ( const unsigned int offsets,
Number *  base_ptr 
) const

Write the content of the calling class into memory in form of size() data items to the given address and the given offsets, filling the elements of the vectorized array into each offset.

This operation corresponds to the following code (but uses a more efficient implementation in case the hardware allows for that):

for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
base_ptr[offsets[v]] = this->operator[](v);

Definition at line 691 of file vectorization.h.

◆ sum()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
Number VectorizedArray< Number, width >::sum ( ) const

Returns sum over entries of the data field, \(\sum_{i=1}^{\text{size}()} this->data[i]\).

Definition at line 702 of file vectorization.h.

◆ get_sqrt()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray VectorizedArray< Number, width >::get_sqrt ( ) const

Return the square root of this field. Not for use in user code. Use sqrt(x) instead.

Definition at line 721 of file vectorization.h.

◆ get_abs()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray VectorizedArray< Number, width >::get_abs ( ) const

Return the absolute value of this field. Not for use in user code. Use abs(x) instead.

Definition at line 734 of file vectorization.h.

◆ get_max()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray VectorizedArray< Number, width >::get_max ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  other) const

Return the component-wise maximum of this field and another one. Not for use in user code. Use max(x,y) instead.

Definition at line 747 of file vectorization.h.

◆ get_min()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray VectorizedArray< Number, width >::get_min ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  other) const

Return the component-wise minimum of this field and another one. Not for use in user code. Use min(x,y) instead.

Definition at line 760 of file vectorization.h.

◆ size()

static constexpr std::size_t VectorizedArrayBase< VectorizedArray< Number, width > , width >::size ( )

Return the number of elements in the array.

Definition at line 285 of file vectorization.h.

◆ begin() [1/2]

constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< VectorizedArray< Number, width > > VectorizedArrayBase< VectorizedArray< Number, width > , width >::begin ( )
An iterator pointing to the beginning of the underlying data.

Definition at line 294 of file vectorization.h.

◆ begin() [2/2]

constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< const VectorizedArray< Number, width > > VectorizedArrayBase< VectorizedArray< Number, width > , width >::begin ( ) const
An iterator pointing to the beginning of the underlying data (const version).

Definition at line 305 of file vectorization.h.

◆ end() [1/2]

constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< VectorizedArray< Number, width > > VectorizedArrayBase< VectorizedArray< Number, width > , width >::end ( )
An iterator pointing to the end of the underlying data.

Definition at line 315 of file vectorization.h.

◆ end() [2/2]

constexpr VectorizedArrayIterator< const VectorizedArray< Number, width > > VectorizedArrayBase< VectorizedArray< Number, width > , width >::end ( ) const
An iterator pointing to the end of the underlying data (const version).

Definition at line 326 of file vectorization.h.

◆ dot_product()

auto VectorizedArrayBase< VectorizedArray< Number, width > , width >::dot_product ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v) const

A default implementation for computing the dot product between two vectorized arrays. It first forms the lane-by-lane product between the current object and the argument, and then the across-lanes sum of the product. The function returns the kind of object that the VectorizedArray::sum() function returns.

This function is inherited by all derived classes and provides the dot product to them unless they override it with their own implementation (presumably using a more efficient approach).

Definition at line 344 of file vectorization.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ std::sqrt

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::sqrt ( const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &  )

◆ std::abs

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::abs ( const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &  )

◆ std::max

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::max ( const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &  ,
const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &   

◆ std::min

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
template<typename Number2 , std::size_t width2>
VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > std::min ( const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &  ,
const VectorizedArray< Number2, width2 > &   

◆ make_vectorized_array() [1/2]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width = internal::VectorizedArrayWidthSpecifier<Number>::max_width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > make_vectorized_array ( const Number &  u)

Create a vectorized array that sets all entries in the array to the given scalar, i.e., broadcasts the scalar to all array elements.

Definition at line 801 of file vectorization.h.

◆ make_vectorized_array() [2/2]

template<typename VectorizedArrayType >
VectorizedArrayType make_vectorized_array ( const typename VectorizedArrayType::value_type &  u)

Create a vectorized array of given type and broadcast the scalar value to all array elements.

Definition at line 817 of file vectorization.h.

◆ vectorized_load_and_transpose()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
void vectorized_load_and_transpose ( const unsigned int  n_entries,
const Number *  in,
const unsigned int offsets,
VectorizedArray< Number, width > *  out 

This method loads VectorizedArray::size() data streams from the given array in. The offsets to the input array are given by the array offsets. From each stream, n_entries are read. The data is then transposed and stored it into an array of VectorizedArray type. The output array out is expected to be an array of size n_entries. This method operates on plain arrays, so no checks for valid data access are made. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the given arrays are valid according to the access layout below.

This operation corresponds to a transformation of an array-of-struct (input) into a struct-of-array (output) according to the following formula:

for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_entries; ++i)
for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
out[i][v] = in[offsets[v]+i];

A more optimized version of this code will be used for supported types.

This is the inverse operation to vectorized_transpose_and_store().

Definition at line 881 of file vectorization.h.

◆ vectorized_transpose_and_store()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
void vectorized_transpose_and_store ( const bool  add_into,
const unsigned int  n_entries,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > *  in,
const unsigned int offsets,
Number *  out 

This method stores the vectorized arrays in transposed form into the given output array out with the given offsets offsets. This operation corresponds to a transformation of a struct-of-array (input) into an array-of-struct (output). This method operates on plain array, so no checks for valid data access are made. It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the given arrays are valid according to the access layout below.

This method assumes that the specified offsets do not overlap. Otherwise, the behavior is undefined in the vectorized case. It is the user's responsibility to make sure that the access does not overlap and avoid undefined behavior.

The argument add_into selects where the entries should only be written into the output arrays or the result should be added into the existing entries in the output. For add_into == false, the following code is assumed:

for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_entries; ++i)
for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
out[offsets[v]+i] = in[i][v];

For add_into == true, the code implements the following action:

for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_entries; ++i)
for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
out[offsets[v]+i] += in[i][v];

A more optimized version of this code will be used for supported types.

This is the inverse operation to vectorized_load_and_transpose().

Definition at line 956 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator==()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
bool operator== ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  lhs,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  rhs 

Relational operator == for VectorizedArray

Definition at line 5669 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator+() [1/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Addition of two vectorized arrays with operator +.

Definition at line 5687 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator-() [1/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Subtraction of two vectorized arrays with operator -.

Definition at line 5701 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator*() [1/5]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator* ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Multiplication of two vectorized arrays with operator *.

Definition at line 5715 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator/() [1/5]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator/ ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Division of two vectorized arrays with operator /.

Definition at line 5729 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator+() [2/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ ( const Number &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Addition of a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) and a vectorized array.

Definition at line 5744 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator+() [3/6]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator+ ( const double  u,
const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v 

Addition of a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) and a vectorized array in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5760 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator+() [4/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v,
const Number &  u 

Addition of a vectorized array and a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries).

Definition at line 5774 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator+() [5/6]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator+ ( const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v,
const double  u 

Addition of a vectorized array and a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5789 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator-() [2/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- ( const Number &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Subtraction of a vectorized array from a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries).

Definition at line 5802 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator-() [3/6]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator- ( const double  u,
const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v 

Subtraction of a vectorized array from a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5818 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator-() [4/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v,
const Number &  u 

Subtraction of a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) from a vectorized array.

Definition at line 5832 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator-() [5/6]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator- ( const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v,
const double  u 

Subtraction of a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) from a vectorized array in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5848 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator*() [2/5]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator* ( const Number &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Multiplication of a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) and a vectorized array.

Definition at line 5862 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator*() [3/5]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator* ( const double  u,
const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v 

Multiplication of a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) and a vectorized array in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5878 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator*() [4/5]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator* ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v,
const Number &  u 

Multiplication of a vectorized array and a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries).

Definition at line 5892 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator*() [5/5]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator* ( const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v,
const double  u 

Multiplication of a vectorized array and a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5907 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator/() [2/5]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator/ ( const Number &  u,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v 

Quotient between a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) and a vectorized array.

Definition at line 5920 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator/() [3/5]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator/ ( const double  u,
const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v 

Quotient between a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) and a vectorized array in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5936 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator/() [4/5]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator/ ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  v,
const Number &  u 

Quotient between a vectorized array and a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries).

Definition at line 5950 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator/() [5/5]

template<std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< float, width > operator/ ( const VectorizedArray< float, width > &  v,
const double  u 

Quotient between a vectorized array and a scalar (expanded to a vectorized array with size() equal entries) in case the scalar is a double (needed in order to be able to write simple code with constants that are usually double numbers).

Definition at line 5966 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator+() [6/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator+ ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  u)

Unary operator + on a vectorized array.

Definition at line 5979 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator-() [6/6]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > operator- ( const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  u)

Unary operator - on a vectorized array.

Definition at line 5991 of file vectorization.h.

◆ operator<<()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  p 

Output operator for vectorized array.

Definition at line 6004 of file vectorization.h.

◆ sin()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > sin ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the sine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {sin(x[0]), sin(x[1]), ..., sin(x[VectorizedArray::size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6589 of file vectorization.h.

◆ cos()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > cos ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the cosine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {cos(x[0]), cos(x[1]), ..., cos(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6609 of file vectorization.h.

◆ tan()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > tan ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the tangent of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {tan(x[0]), tan(x[1]), ..., tan(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6629 of file vectorization.h.

◆ acos()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > acos ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the arc cosine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {acos(x[0]), acos(x[1]), ..., acos(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6649 of file vectorization.h.

◆ asin()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > asin ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the arc sine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {asin(x[0]), asin(x[1]), ..., asin(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6669 of file vectorization.h.

◆ atan()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > atan ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the arc tangent of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {atan(x[0]), atan(x[1]), ..., atan(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6689 of file vectorization.h.

◆ cosh()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > cosh ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the hyperbolic cosine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {cosh(x[0]), cosh(x[1]), ..., cosh(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6709 of file vectorization.h.

◆ sinh()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > sinh ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the hyperbolic sine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {sinh(x[0]), sinh(x[1]), ..., sinh(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6729 of file vectorization.h.

◆ tanh()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > tanh ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the hyperbolic tangent of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {tanh(x[0]), tanh(x[1]), ..., tanh(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6749 of file vectorization.h.

◆ acosh()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > acosh ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the area hyperbolic cosine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {acosh(x[0]), acosh(x[1]), ..., acosh(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6769 of file vectorization.h.

◆ asinh()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > asinh ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the area hyperbolic sine of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {asinh(x[0]), asinh(x[1]), ..., asinh(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6789 of file vectorization.h.

◆ atanh()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > atanh ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the area hyperbolic tangent of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {atanh(x[0]), atanh(x[1]), ..., atanh(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6809 of file vectorization.h.

◆ exp()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > exp ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the exponential of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {exp(x[0]), exp(x[1]), ..., exp(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6829 of file vectorization.h.

◆ log()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > log ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the natural logarithm of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {log(x[0]), log(x[1]), ..., log(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6849 of file vectorization.h.

◆ sqrt()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > sqrt ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the square root of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {sqrt(x[0]), sqrt(x[1]), ..., sqrt(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6869 of file vectorization.h.

◆ pow() [1/2]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > pow ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x,
const Number  p 

Raises the given number x to the power p for a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {pow(x[0],p), pow(x[1],p), ..., pow(x[size()-1],p)}.

Definition at line 6885 of file vectorization.h.

◆ pow() [2/2]

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > pow ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x,
const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  p 

Raises the given number x to the power p for a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {pow(x[0],p[0]), pow(x[1],p[1]), ..., pow(x[size()-1],p[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6906 of file vectorization.h.

◆ abs()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > abs ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x)

Compute the absolute value (modulus) of a vectorized data field. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {abs(x[0]), abs(x[1]), ..., abs(x[size()-1])}.

Definition at line 6927 of file vectorization.h.

◆ max()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > max ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x,
const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  y 

Compute the componentwise maximum of two vectorized data fields. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {max(x[0],y[0]), max(x[1],y[1]), ...}.

Definition at line 6943 of file vectorization.h.

◆ min()

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
VectorizedArray< Number, width > min ( const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  x,
const ::VectorizedArray< Number, width > &  y 

Compute the componentwise minimum of two vectorized data fields. The result is returned as vectorized array in the form {min(x[0],y[0]), min(x[1],y[1]), ...}.

Definition at line 6960 of file vectorization.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ is_implemented

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
constexpr bool VectorizedArray< Number, width >::is_implemented = (width == 1)

A constexpr boolean indicating whether the VectorizedArray with the given choice of template parameters Number and width is indeed implemented. The generic implementation is only implemented for width equal to one. For specializations of this class (which are defined depending on the instruction sets available) the boolean is set to true as well.

Definition at line 460 of file vectorization.h.

◆ data

template<typename Number , std::size_t width>
Number VectorizedArray< Number, width >::data

Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is declared public.

Definition at line 712 of file vectorization.h.

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