deal.II version GIT relicensing-2017-g7ae82fad8b 2024-10-22 19:20:00+00:00
\(\newcommand{\dealvcentcolon}{\mathrel{\mathop{:}}}\) \(\newcommand{\dealcoloneq}{\dealvcentcolon\mathrel{\mkern-1.2mu}=}\) \(\newcommand{\jump}[1]{\left[\!\left[ #1 \right]\!\right]}\) \(\newcommand{\average}[1]{\left\{\!\left\{ #1 \right\}\!\right\}}\)
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RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType > Class Template Reference

#include <deal.II/lac/relaxation_block.h>

Inheritance diagram for RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >:
Inheritance graph


class  AdditionalData

Public Types

using size_type = types::global_dof_index

Public Member Functions

void initialize (const MatrixType &A, const AdditionalData &parameters)
void clear ()
void invert_diagblocks ()

Protected Types

enum  Inversion { gauss_jordan , householder , svd }

Protected Member Functions

void do_step (VectorType &dst, const VectorType &prev, const VectorType &src, const bool backward) const
void reinit (unsigned int nblocks, size_type blocksize, bool compress, Inversion method=gauss_jordan)
void inverses_computed (bool are_they)
bool same_diagonal () const
bool store_diagonals () const
bool inverses_ready () const
unsigned int size () const
template<typename number2 >
void inverse_vmult (size_type i, Vector< number2 > &dst, const Vector< number2 > &src) const
template<typename number2 >
void inverse_Tvmult (size_type i, Vector< number2 > &dst, const Vector< number2 > &src) const
FullMatrix< number > & inverse (size_type i)
const FullMatrix< number > & inverse (size_type i) const
Householder< number > & inverse_householder (size_type i)
const Householder< number > & inverse_householder (size_type i) const
LAPACKFullMatrix< number > & inverse_svd (size_type i)
const LAPACKFullMatrix< number > & inverse_svd (size_type i) const
FullMatrix< number > & diagonal (size_type i)
const FullMatrix< number > & diagonal (size_type i) const
void log_statistics () const
std::size_t memory_consumption () const

Static Protected Member Functions

static ::ExceptionBaseExcDiagonalsNotStored ()
static ::ExceptionBaseExcInverseNotAvailable ()

Protected Attributes

ObserverPointer< const MatrixType, RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType > > A
ObserverPointer< const AdditionalData, RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType > > additional_data
Inversion inversion

Private Types

using number = typename MatrixType::value_type
using value_type = InverseNumberType

Private Member Functions

void block_kernel (const size_type block_begin, const size_type block_end)

Private Attributes

unsigned int n_diagonal_blocks
std::vector< FullMatrix< number > > var_inverse_full
std::vector< Householder< number > > var_inverse_householder
std::vector< LAPACKFullMatrix< number > > var_inverse_svd
std::vector< FullMatrix< number > > var_diagonal
bool var_store_diagonals
bool var_same_diagonal
bool var_inverses_ready

Detailed Description

template<typename MatrixType, typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
class RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >

Base class for the implementation of overlapping, multiplicative Schwarz relaxation methods and smoothers.

This class uses the infrastructure provided by PreconditionBlockBase. It adds functions to initialize with a block list and to do the relaxation step. The actual relaxation method with the interface expected by SolverRelaxation and MGSmootherRelaxation is in the derived classes.

This class allows for more general relaxation methods than PreconditionBlock, since the index sets may be arbitrary and overlapping, while there only contiguous, disjoint sets of equal size are allowed. As a drawback, this class cannot be used as a preconditioner, since its implementation relies on a straight forward implementation of the Gauss-Seidel process.

Parallel computations require you to specify an initialized ghost vector in AdditionalData::temp_ghost_vector.

Definition at line 55 of file relaxation_block.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ number

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
using RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::number = typename MatrixType::value_type

Define number type of matrix.

Definition at line 61 of file relaxation_block.h.

◆ value_type

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
using RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::value_type = InverseNumberType

Value type for inverse matrices.

Definition at line 66 of file relaxation_block.h.

◆ size_type

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
using RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::size_type = types::global_dof_index

Declare type for container size.

Definition at line 72 of file relaxation_block.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Inversion

template<typename number >
enum PreconditionBlockBase::Inversion

Choose a method for inverting the blocks, and thus the data type for the inverses.


Use the standard Gauss-Jacobi method implemented in FullMatrix::inverse().


Use QR decomposition of the Householder class.


Use the singular value decomposition of LAPACKFullMatrix.

Definition at line 70 of file precondition_block_base.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ initialize()

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
void RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::initialize ( const MatrixType &  A,
const AdditionalData parameters 

Initialize matrix and additional information. In a second step, the inverses of the diagonal blocks may be computed.

Note that AdditionalData, different from other preconditioners, defines quite large objects, and that therefore the object is not copied, but rather a pointer is stored. Thus, the lifetime of additional_data hast to exceed the lifetime of this object.

◆ clear()

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
void RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::clear ( )

Deletes the inverse diagonal block matrices if existent, sets the blocksize to 0, hence leaves the class in the state that it had directly after calling the constructor.

◆ invert_diagblocks()

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
void RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::invert_diagblocks ( )

Stores the inverse of the diagonal blocks in inverse. This costs some additional memory - for DG methods about 1/3 (for double inverses) or 1/6 (for float inverses) of that used for the matrix - but it makes the preconditioning much faster.

It is not allowed to call this function twice (will produce an error) before a call of clear(...) because at the second time there already exist the inverse matrices.

After this function is called, the lock on the matrix given through the use_matrix function is released, i.e. you may overwrite of delete it. You may want to do this in case you use this matrix to precondition another matrix.

◆ do_step()

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
void RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::do_step ( VectorType &  dst,
const VectorType &  prev,
const VectorType &  src,
const bool  backward 
) const

Perform one block relaxation step.

Depending on the arguments dst and pref, this performs an SOR step (both reference the same vector) or a Jacobi step (both are different vectors). For the Jacobi step, the calling function must copy dst to prev after this.

◆ block_kernel()

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
void RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::block_kernel ( const size_type  block_begin,
const size_type  block_end 

Computes (the inverse of) a range of blocks.

◆ reinit()

template<typename number >
void PreconditionBlockBase< number >::reinit ( unsigned int  nblocks,
size_type  blocksize,
bool  compress,
Inversion  method = gauss_jordan 

Resize to this number of diagonal blocks with the given block size. If compress is true, then only one block will be stored.

Definition at line 333 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverses_computed()

template<typename number >
void PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverses_computed ( bool  are_they)

Tell the class that inverses are computed.

Definition at line 598 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ same_diagonal()

template<typename number >
bool PreconditionBlockBase< number >::same_diagonal ( ) const

Does the matrix use only one diagonal block?

Definition at line 582 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ store_diagonals()

template<typename number >
bool PreconditionBlockBase< number >::store_diagonals ( ) const

Check, whether diagonal blocks (not their inverses) should be stored.

Definition at line 590 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverses_ready()

template<typename number >
bool PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverses_ready ( ) const

Return true, if inverses are ready for use.

Definition at line 606 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ size()

template<typename number >
unsigned int PreconditionBlockBase< number >::size ( ) const

The number of blocks.

Definition at line 411 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse_vmult()

template<typename number >
template<typename number2 >
void PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse_vmult ( size_type  i,
Vector< number2 > &  dst,
const Vector< number2 > &  src 
) const

Multiply with the inverse block at position i.

Definition at line 419 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse_Tvmult()

template<typename number >
template<typename number2 >
void PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse_Tvmult ( size_type  i,
Vector< number2 > &  dst,
const Vector< number2 > &  src 
) const

Multiply with the transposed inverse block at position i.

Definition at line 448 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse() [1/2]

template<typename number >
FullMatrix< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse ( size_type  i)

Access to the inverse diagonal blocks if Inversion is gauss_jordan.

Definition at line 526 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse() [2/2]

template<typename number >
const FullMatrix< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse ( size_type  i) const

Access to the inverse diagonal blocks.

Definition at line 476 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse_householder() [1/2]

template<typename number >
Householder< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse_householder ( size_type  i)

Access to the inverse diagonal blocks if Inversion is householder.

Definition at line 540 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse_householder() [2/2]

template<typename number >
const Householder< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse_householder ( size_type  i) const

Access to the inverse diagonal blocks if Inversion is householder.

Definition at line 488 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse_svd() [1/2]

template<typename number >
LAPACKFullMatrix< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse_svd ( size_type  i)

Access to the inverse diagonal blocks if Inversion is householder.

Definition at line 554 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ inverse_svd() [2/2]

template<typename number >
const LAPACKFullMatrix< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inverse_svd ( size_type  i) const

Access to the inverse diagonal blocks if Inversion is householder.

Definition at line 500 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ diagonal() [1/2]

template<typename number >
FullMatrix< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::diagonal ( size_type  i)

Access to the diagonal blocks.

Definition at line 568 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ diagonal() [2/2]

template<typename number >
const FullMatrix< number > & PreconditionBlockBase< number >::diagonal ( size_type  i) const

Access to the diagonal blocks.

Definition at line 512 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ log_statistics()

template<typename number >
void PreconditionBlockBase< number >::log_statistics ( ) const

Print some statistics about the inverses to deallog. Output depends on Inversion. It is richest for svd, where we obtain statistics on extremal singular values and condition numbers.

Definition at line 614 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ memory_consumption()

template<typename number >
std::size_t PreconditionBlockBase< number >::memory_consumption ( ) const

Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this object.

Definition at line 667 of file precondition_block_base.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ A

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
ObserverPointer<const MatrixType, RelaxationBlock<MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType> > RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::A

Pointer to the matrix. Make sure that the matrix exists as long as this class needs it, i.e. until calling invert_diagblocks, or (if the inverse matrices should not be stored) until the last call of the preconditioning vmult function of the derived classes.

Definition at line 251 of file relaxation_block.h.

◆ additional_data

template<typename MatrixType , typename InverseNumberType = typename MatrixType::value_type, typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
ObserverPointer<const AdditionalData, RelaxationBlock<MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType> > RelaxationBlock< MatrixType, InverseNumberType, VectorType >::additional_data

Control information.

Definition at line 258 of file relaxation_block.h.

◆ inversion

template<typename number >
Inversion PreconditionBlockBase< number >::inversion

The method used for inverting blocks.

Definition at line 243 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ n_diagonal_blocks

template<typename number >
unsigned int PreconditionBlockBase< number >::n_diagonal_blocks

The number of (inverse) diagonal blocks, if only one is stored.

Definition at line 249 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ var_inverse_full

template<typename number >
std::vector<FullMatrix<number> > PreconditionBlockBase< number >::var_inverse_full

Storage of the inverse matrices of the diagonal blocks matrices as FullMatrix<number> matrices, if Inversion gauss_jordan is used. Using number=float saves memory in comparison with number=double, but may introduce numerical instability.

Definition at line 257 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ var_inverse_householder

template<typename number >
std::vector<Householder<number> > PreconditionBlockBase< number >::var_inverse_householder

Storage of the inverse matrices of the diagonal blocks matrices as Householder matrices if Inversion householder is used. Using number=float saves memory in comparison with number=double, but may introduce numerical instability.

Definition at line 265 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ var_inverse_svd

template<typename number >
std::vector<LAPACKFullMatrix<number> > PreconditionBlockBase< number >::var_inverse_svd

Storage of the inverse matrices of the diagonal blocks matrices as LAPACKFullMatrix matrices if Inversion svd is used. Using number=float saves memory in comparison with number=double, but may introduce numerical instability.

Definition at line 273 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ var_diagonal

template<typename number >
std::vector<FullMatrix<number> > PreconditionBlockBase< number >::var_diagonal

Storage of the original diagonal blocks.

Used by the blocked SSOR method.

Definition at line 280 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ var_store_diagonals

template<typename number >
bool PreconditionBlockBase< number >::var_store_diagonals

This is true, if the field var_diagonal is to be used.

Definition at line 286 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ var_same_diagonal

template<typename number >
bool PreconditionBlockBase< number >::var_same_diagonal

This is true, if only one inverse is stored.

Definition at line 291 of file precondition_block_base.h.

◆ var_inverses_ready

template<typename number >
bool PreconditionBlockBase< number >::var_inverses_ready

The inverse matrices are usable. Set by the parent class via inverses_computed().

Definition at line 297 of file precondition_block_base.h.

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